Professional Development

November 31, 2021


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills. Here's a review of what we covered in our time together:

Module: Approachability

The intention of your attention.

  1. What does it mean to be approachable?
  2. What are the characteristics of the most approachable person you know?
  3. Have you ever received feedback about your approachability?
  4. What are you working on to improve your initial ability to be approachable?

Step 1: Increase your VISIBILITY

The easiest way to improve your approachability  is to become a part of people's collective  comfort zones. Here are the strategies:

1. Be visible. Literally put yourself in the thoroughfares. You don't have to act like a Walmart greeter, just be present for the occasional natural wave, nod or quick conversation.

2. Build trust through a frequency of interaction. 

3. If your goal is relationship, avoid purely transactional connections.

Step 2: What the Muck?

Let's start by stopping a few things.

Our MUCK habits will surely create an impression. Likely not a good one. Now that you are aware of a few forms of muck, answer some questions:

1. Which form of muck are you most guilty of practicing?

2. Which type of muck is most damaging?

3. How do you respond when someone mucks you?

4. Why do people muck?

Step 3: Ask Great Questions 

Stop trying to BE INTERESTING. Instead, flip the script and BE INTERESTED.

We live in a "look at me" culture. Everyone is competing for attention. Build rapport by taking a different approach: Be genuinely interested in others. Demonstrate interest by asking great questions. Check out our list of 101 Great Questions to use as you build a relationship.

Step 4:  Charisma isn't about you.

Science shows you are perceived to be charismatic based on how you listen.

PS - Michael Grinder is amazing. Check out his work here.


People will perceive you as charismatic and empathetic if you know how to spot what is important to them and respond to it. Here's how:

1. When building relationship, spend the time to learn their "baseline".

2. Watch for and listen for any changes in their baseline. Be sure to match their physiology, tone, gestures and energy. When they shift, you shift.

3. Revert to matching their baseline if you are not in agreement.

Zoom Recording

This is the actual video of our session together for your review.

THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

No strings attached. Just go and enjoy it.

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