The 5 Tricks Tournament of Champions


We used a large-scale card tournament and varying sets of rules to create a challenging environment for competition and communication.


Students played ten rounds of the Five Tricks game and learned some valuable lessons for succeeding in the real world:


1. Different does not equal stupid

The world is full of different cultures, languages, traditions, lifestyles...never assume that someone who is different from you is dumb. they are the product of their experiences and that must be respected. Seek to find commonalities.


2. Be flexible

Adapt to your environment and be open to change. Change usually creates tremendous learning opportunities.


3. Accept and Learn

When you interact with others in new environments, be very observant and learn as much as you can.


4. Avoid Right vs. Wrong

People waste too much time trying to prove that they are right and that someone else is wrong. This attitude generates resistance and will make building relationship difficult.


5. Seek Commonalities

When interacting with new people, new cultures in new situations, focus on the things that you have in common. When we choose to focus on our differences, we create segregation and excuses for not building relationship. Instead, find one or two things that you can agree on and build from there.




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