Public Speaking

Is the stage your plank or your springboard?



Great leaders can convey a clear message that is informative, entertaining and enrolling. This takes practice and a willingness to make mistakes while learning to become more comfortable speaking in front of groups.


The students gave each other feedback and honed their skills until they were able to stand confidently and deliver in a clear and compelling way. Pretty impressive...most adults have a hard time doing that!


Here are some basic Hot Tips for effective public speaking:



Have a good idea of what you want to share and plan to make 1-3 good points.


Plant Your Feet

Stand firmly, avoid swaying, keep your hands in front of your body and keep those knees slightly you don't pass out.


Make Eye Contact

Make a gentle sweep of the audience and be sure to connect with a few people in each area of the audience.



Take a good deep breath and expand your stomach while you take air in.


Project Your Voice

Aim for the back row and use your breath to help you project without straining.


Speak at a Normal Pace

Be very deliberate and enunciate your words. Avoid talking very quickly.


Pause for Effect

Periodically pause to let a point settle in. Make eye contact, breathe and go again.



Keep your hands above your waist and make sure they stay visible to the audience.



Use your face to express energy that matches your message.


End with a Strong Point

Plan your points so that escalate in importance and end with one that is really clear and creates an effect/reaction.



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