
Brain & Body Fitness


The brain and body are absolutely connected and people with active bodies have better brains. Every morning, each team customized their own workouts. The goal was to be active for 30-45 minutes every morning with balanced workouts according to the SOLE Fitness requirements.


S- Stability and Balance

Practicing stability and balance improves mobility, muscle strength and challenges the brain with both visual and weight orientation.


O- Object Manipulation

Object manipulation, such as throwing a ball, makes you more emotionally strong. Throwing a ball at someone is actually threatening, so as the ball is coming towards you, you get scared which wakes up the emotional part of the brain (reptilian or limbic system) , and when you catch it you’re engaging your tactile intelligence.


L- Locomotion

Locomotion is literally moving your body in various directions at varied speeds, challenging your body to to reorient itself visually. It has to perceive depth, distance, timing, location, and all of these dynamics force the brain to be active while in movement.


E- Elevated Heart Rate

Elevated heart rate increases the amount of oxygen that enters the bloodstream which affects your ability to process information. Challenging our cardiovascular allows our brain to stay strong when it's threatened or challenged.









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