The Spider's Web

Moving through challenges.

Large spider webs were constructed for each team. The teams had to physically move each of their members through various sized holes in their webs. Each member had to be passed through one of the holes in the web from the unsafe side to the safe side, using each hole only once and without touching any part of the web. The goal was to get the entire team through to the safe side.


Learning points:



The teams had to decide which person goes through each hole and which members of the team were needed on each side of the web for support services.



Team members took a variety of roles. Some were physical support, some were visual support in order to ensure team members were passed through successfully and safely.



Results were based on how well team members worked together and communicated among each other. As passing a person through a hole often required the support of the entire team, effective communication was key.



As team members were being physically passed through the holes with the support of their team, there was a high level of trust required in order for it to be successful.



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