Professional Development

APRIL 6, 2021


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills. Here's a review of what we covered in our time together:

Module: Courage

How do you demonstrate courage?

Part One: Commitment Wins

The Chuck Yaeger story.

Part Two: Reflection

Define your Comfort Zone.

If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?

What stops you from trying new things?

When do you move through fear?

What's your process for trying something that scares you?

How do you feel when you are outside your comfort zone?

What behaviors do you exhibit when uncomfortable?

How do you want to perform under pressure, when you are uncomfortable?

Can you prepare to be uncomfortable?

Next time you face a challenge, how do you want to tackle it?

What's one specific improvement you can make in your approach to a challenge that scares you?

Part Three: What's that little voice saying?

The voice in your head plays a lot of roles and often determines how and when you exhibit courage.

Play this clip from 6:53 - 9:47

Part Four: Emotional Strength

A process for developing courage on demand.

Success = skills + talent/passion + emotional strength

The question is what proportions of each are in that equation.

Research indicates the following breakdown:

Skills = 21%
Talent/Passion = 36%
Emotional Strength = 43%

**Emotional Strength is the most critical trait to develop. It can even offset smaller amounts of skill and talent.**

Key Questions:

So how do we develop emotional strength?

Define grit?

What helped you to become resilient?

Part Five: Seek Discomfort

Intentionally challenge yourself.

Part Six: 5 Ways to Challenge Yourself

A Conversation


Ask for a raise


Feedback - give some and ask for some

A Stretch

Try something new that is way outside your comfort zone.

A Physical Challenge

Do something physical that frightens you or that is going to make you look ridiculous.

Create  a new physical routine and be consistent about it.

A new relationship

Talk to that person that interests you.

An Unknown

Try something that you've never even thought about. Something that you weren't even aware of.

Zoom Recording 

Here is the whole session.

THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

No strings attached. Just go and enjoy it.

Need Anything?

Drop us a line and let us know what we can do to support you.