Professional Development

April 19, 2021


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills. Here's a review of what we covered in our time together:

Topic: Code & Culture

Create a culture that enables greatness.

  1. How do you feel about the culture of your organization?
  2. In what ways have you benefited from your organizational culture?
  3. What values does your team/organization seek to demonstrate?

The Code of the Samurai

This video is from our Level 3 student training and it covers the unique code of the Samurai culture. It's a good example of how to create a shared mindset and values.

Culture Expert 

Patty McCord is the most sought after expert on developing healthy, productive organizational cultures. She helped to engineer the Netflix Culture Deck which is now considered to be the gold standard for mapping out a culture. 

Key Lessons from Patty

Dissect each of these and seek to apply them to your context.

1. Your employees are adults.
        - What systems are in place that may not treat people like adults?
        - How can we challenge people to perform at a high level?

2. The job of management is to build great teams.
        - What practices make people feel controlled?
        - Who are some great team players in your organization?

3. People want to do work that means something.
        - What is meaningful about your work?
        - How do we express the value of our work internally and externally?

4. Everyone should understand the business.
        - How do we teach one another?
        - Are people able to move freely between roles?

5. Everyone can handle the truth.
        - How do we build in more frequency of feedback?
        - How do we express feedback/truth?

6. Live out your values.
        - What are our team/organizational values?
        - How do we show them?

7. All new ideas are "stupid".
        - Do we have a process for generating new ideas?
        - Do we have a process for implementing new practices?

8. Be excited for change.
        - Don't hold on to past successes, methods or people. How can we prepare for change?
        - What should we change right now?

Zoom Recording

This is the actual video of our session together for your review.

THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

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