Slinky Thinking

Training for creativity.



Want to be more creative?

Want the ability to innovate, adapt and learn faster?

Want to be quick-witted?

Want to grow your brain like a powerful muscle?

Your brain can do all of those things and more if you are willing to exercise it regularly. Just like working out your bodies muscles, there are simple ways to exercise your brain and develop its strength and flexibility. The brain-based term for that strength and flexibility is NEUROPLASTICITY.


Neuroplasticity literally means that your brain is like plastic; simultaneously strong yet malleable.


How do we make our brains malleable? How do we develop this plasticity?


The answer is: Practice Slinky Thinking!


 Slinky Thinking is a process of divergent and convergent exercise that causes your brain to tap both the left and right brain in condensed timeframes...just like doing a set of exercises for your body. A Slinky Thinking exercise challenges you to explore creative options first. Then it challenges you to eliminate some of those options and focus down into one or two options that can work to solve a particular problem.


People who regularly challenge their brains to expand/diverge/be creative and then to converge/focus, deepen and expand their brains connections. They literally build wires in their brain that other people just don't have. This enables them to have thoughts, ideas that other people just can't assemble.


Here are some exercises from the training that we used to stimulate Slinky Thinking:


The Black Dot

My Life As...

Photo Captions

Outrageous Statements...How can this be true?

Act As If Game

Copyright Seeds Training