Professional Development

March 21, 2022


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills. Here's a review of what we covered in our time together:

Topic: Habit Shifting

Do you have a "time" paradigm?

  1. Where are you wasting 5 minutes a day?
  2. What purpose does that behavior/habit serve?
  3. What could you do with that time instead?

Time Traps 

Soccer phenom Pele teaches us a valuable lesson about using our time to practice micro-skills that make a difference.

Stop Pretending

Acknowledge your internal obstacles; the things that affect you adversely and stop you from making progress.

You are an Iteration

Change is progressive.

Remember, all the materials to create the internet existed centuries ago. The materials to solve all global problems exist already. We just need to arrive at the discovery of the process. The process is the iteration of ideas and work. The process enables the next idea.

If you want change, just start the process. No need to worry about perfection. Just start working. Your process will evolve. Accept that all great work, and brain development happens in iterations. You will progress if you continue to practice.

Ask yourself:

1. What is something you have achieved through work?
2. What is one thing that you are practicing? How often and for how long?

Summary: 4 Habit Shifting Tactics

Here are four things to change your approach and brain wiring.


1. What is your Time Trap?

Find a place in every day where you are wasting time and replace it with 5 minutes of something more productive.


2. Acknowledge Opportunities for Change

Enhance your self-awareness by identifying the things that you need to "stop pretending".


3. Practice with Frequency

Use the 10-24-7 model to ramp up your brain wiring so that change can happen and sustain.


4. Work in Iterations

Stop worrying about doing something perfectly. You and your work are an iteration. Practice makes progress. Just start doing. 

Zoom Recording

This is the actual video of our session together for your review.

THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

No strings attached. Just go and enjoy it.

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