
Positive Mental Image

Do not think of a pink elephant!

Remember that the brain turns each and every word into a picture. So, whatever we say creates a picture in our students mind. We are responsible for that picture.

The brain is a powerful and curious instrument. The brain can see an image and then it will work subconsciously to make that image into a reality. This is great...most of the time

However, when we use the wrong words, we create an image of something that we actually would prefer did not become a reality.

For example, when we tell a student, "Do not talk.", we actually create the mental image of them talking. So, guess what they do?

That's right...they start talking. The result is a classroom that is difficult to manage.

So, what's a better way to say, "Do not talk."?

How about, "Be silent". That creates a clear mental image of being quiet...and that's what we wanted. Take control of the classroom by creating "Positive Mental Images" that are congruent to the behaviors that you would like to see.
