by Seeds Training

When change is constant, learning is the ultimate skill.

Module: Stand Out

How to differentiate yourself.

Part One: The Majority Is Wrong

High performance is not normal. 

Part Two: What are your norms?

Define your box so you can break out of it.

What is in your comfort zone? What can you do easily?

What's easy for you that might be hard for others?

In your average day, how challenged do you feel?

What is outside your norms that you have always wanted to try? 

What have you always wanted to learn?

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Part Three: How can I make myself special? 

Make yourself outstanding.

The NVP Model

How to stand out instead of blending in.

Every decision that people make is often triggered by one of the following things. Know what people want and you can be a great and influential leader:

1. Novelty
People are always looking for new and different things to try. They like to feel the momentum of learning or the rush of doing something new. What's new, different, bigger or better about what you are doing? Why would they want to join you?

DO THIS: Challenge yourself to do new and different things (that challenge your norms/comfort zone) on a regular basis. You will be constantly learning, your brain will be engaged and chances are you will meet interesting people in the process.

2. Value
Do things that add value to your new circle of relationships and to your new environment. Always be looking to find ways to add value and contribute every where that you go. If you can add value, you make yourself distinct...you become valuable.

DO THIS: Focus your energy and time in places that you know that you make a difference. Avoid situations and relationships that don't allow you to add value or that make you feel undervalued.

3. Passion
Keep doing the things you love to do. Don't change your values to fit in. Be strong, be yourself and show what you are passionate about. People love to be around others with energy. If you are excited about what you are doing, chances are that you can get others excited about it too.

DO THIS: Identify one thing that you love to do and make it a goal to become incredibly good at it. Use your passion to achieve a level of mastery. It will bring you joy, confidence and success.

SPECIAL TASK: On a blank page, write out an NVP for you. Answer the key questions below.

N - What's different about me? What is an experience that I have that others may not? What skill do I have that is unique?

V - How can I add value? How do I make things better? How do I improve others around me?

P - What do I love to do? How do I demonstrate my excitement? When am I most energetic?

Part Four: Activity - Yard Sale

Let's apply NVP.

This is a great activity to do in a group, in person or virtually. It's called Yard Sale and here are the instructions:

1. Everyone in the group must have one item, a unique item that only they have.

2. Bring that item and show it to the group in person or virtually (video on).

3. Each person take 30 seconds to sell that item to the group. Apply the concepts of NVP in your pitch.

4. Then take a hands up survey after each item: "Who would be interested in that item?"

5. After everyone has attempted to sell their item, give out awards/feedback based on who used the strategies of NVP. Acknolwedge as many as you can for their creativity, energy and effectiveness.

Thank you.

We hope you got value from this module. Please drop us a line with any comments and feedback.