Professional Development

March 28, 2022


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills. Here's a review of what we covered in our time together:

Theme: Sustainability

Step 1: Create A Mantra

Direct your energy. Your focus will follow.

1. Focus on creating energy instead of setting goals. Stop chasing. Start being.
2. Goals are typically finite and have a success or failure outcome. Avoid that trauma cycle by creating consistent, sustainable mindset.
3. Create a statement that you repeat with frequency to keep you in an optimal mindset.

Step 2: Better Through Challenge

Keep yourself on an appropriate gradient of engagement to avoid drama and trauma.

Step 3: Welcome to the New School

3 Keys to Purposeful Learning.

In the Energy & Time Model we understand that staying on a gradient keeps us engaged, accelerates learning and creates contribution. Here are 3 strategies to plug in:

1. Inclusion
    Intentionally challenge yourself to work with others. Whether it's virtually, in a large group, or     on a small team, the process and output value is measurably better with diversity of input.

    Benefits: More ideas usually leads to a better, singular idea/concept. Social skill development     and contextual adaptability improve.

2. Short Feedback Cycles
    We want more rough drafts. Do your work in smaller chunks and get organized, specific     feedback regularly.  Use the GO Model to keep feedback brief and useful. The objective is to     make small improvements each cycle.

    Benefits: This ensures that momentum and motivation stays high. Learning is accelerated,     humility is elevated and a less competitive, more supportive atmosphere is created.

3. Produce
    No more practicing something without the intent to test yourself, your knowledge, your skills     in the arena.
    Your success, failure, product and result serves both personal and social growth     opportunities. You can learn, grow, build confidence and achieve an outcome for yourself. At     the same time, you may inspire someone else, spark another idea or be a model/teacher. This     is contribution.

    Benefits: You literally add value. This leads to a sense of ownership for your outcomes. This is     a core element in creating higher levels of personal responsibility. The result is pro-activity,     someone who looks at a problem and knows that they can contribute to a solution because     they have successfully done that in the past.

Zoom Recording 

Here's the recording of our live session.

BONUS: Enrolling Questions

Keep engagement high with frequent, intentional questions.

THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

No strings attached. Just go and enjoy it.

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