The Keys to Motivation

Lessons from the SuperMaze.

Leaders must learn how to master the element of motivation. All change requires energy and both individuals and groups struggle to maintain that energy over time. We used a simulation activity called the SuperMaze to demonstrate some of the finer points about maintaining motivation.


The goal of the activity was go from one side of a maze to the other. There were a series of obstacles that made this very challenging. Students had to draw on the resources of their team, develop a communication strategy, support one another and move through adversity.


As groups progressed through the activity, the level of difficulty rose and the teams were challenged to keep their focus.

In the end all of the groups were successful.  The success was magnified as they continued to learn from each other in the group discussion that followed. The 6 Key Motivators were introduced during the dialogue:


Clear Short-term Goals

Break larger tasks into small pieces. Each time you complete a piece, the confidence builds and the momentum increases.


Celebrating All Wins

Every little thing that helps you to succeed should be celebrated. Make a habit of getting excited about even the smallest successes. Every win is a step toward the larger goal.


Enrolling Others

Success is a team sport. Don't try to do it all by yourself. Surround yourself with talented people and get them involved.



Give specific support and maintain that support even if mistakes are made.


Calling Time-Outs

Even when things are going very well, take time to pause and reflect about what is working and what needs to be improved. This will keep everyone enrolled and on the same page.


Acknowledging Others

Make a habit of pointing out the positive things that people are doing. Let them know that you appreciate their supportive behaviors. People will be drawn to this positive energy.


MISTAKES = Learning Opportunities

Learning cannot happen without mistakes. Stop wasting time and make choices. No matter what happens, use the results as information or feedback.


Great leaders understand the importance of these motivators. Practice these behaviors and you will become an irresistible leadership force.





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