Goal Setting That Works


To stand out and create change, leaders must be able to set challenging, yet obtainable goals.  GOAPE is a proven goal-setting system that facilitates setting and reaching those goals. Here's how GOAPE works:

Goal - Set a specific short-term goal with a precise time deadline.


Obstacles - List anything that could stop you from reaching the goal. Examine yourself and determine what personal traits could get in your way (i.e. low self esteem, procrastination, attitude...).


Assistance - Who and what can help you to reach this goal?


Plan - What steps are needed to achieve this goal?


Everyday - Break your goal into smaller, easier to execute pieces. What can be done today, tomorrow, everyday that will bring you closer to the goal?


After learning how to use this tool, everyone had the opportunity to immediately put it to action and design their own plan. Students quickly found out how easy and effective it was.





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